After streamlining my bag collection, I decided that I will only keep classic authentic leather bags and canvas bags. These are easy to maintain and dont peel off unlike the faux leather ones.
Bags are investments. :)
I've been prowling Fino Leatherware stores for my next purchase.
Then I saw this tote bag. Its genuine brown leather with croc print - another classic. Its Fino Leatherware Midtown Spring Tote.
It is roomy and has slip compartments. I can just throw my stuff in when I'm in a hurry. I also like the elegant bag tag with their brand on the metal detail.
This was not an impulse purchase. I thought about this bag for months. I got this bag during their sale too at 15% off. :)
Another happy purchase from Fino Leatherware.
That bag looks so damn good I wanna eat it! Seriously, I can't wait to get my hands on my own Fino. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThere's a bigger size of this bag. You can also have the snap closure converted to a zipper for a minimal price.
DeleteThanks for dropping by!
You have other fino bags?