Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunrise at the Airport

(Reposted.  Originally posted on Thursday, September 15,  2011.)

I can only have 3 hours of sleep so I had three accommodation options --- 1. hotel and risk not waking up and miss my flight, 2. stay up in a coffee shop or 3. airport bench. I chose the latter.

With two hours of sleep and earned a middle-east OFW acquintance, I learned a few life lessons.

Beggars cant be choosers.

If one has nothing to lose and a lot of obligations, they take more risks. They become more open to learnings. With each learning, they improve their life.

Patience is a virtue.

With only two hours of sleep and several unanswered calls, I became more impatient. I was tired and sleepy. I didnt want to wait. But saving a life took precedence over me. I fully understand this.

Walking across the tarmac of Iloilo International Airport at 5:30am, I looked back at the airport control tower.

I was struck in awe with the beauty of sunrise. It was a shadow and glow of contrasts.

Another reminder that life is not black or white but several shades of gray with bursts of gold.

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